By Uma Prasad – General manager – Operations, Wellbe Foods

According to IFOAM, the global organic organisation, “Organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, and people. It relies on ecological processes, and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects. Organic agriculture combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote fair relationships and a good quality of life for all involved.”

At Wellbe Foods, we provide healthier alternatives to modern families. We offer nutritious, ethically-sourced, chemical-free and tasty staples that are of the highest quality and provide wholesome nutrition. When you choose to build your kitchen with Wellbe, not only are you choosing nutrition and better health for your family you are also positively impacting the environment and community.

The most important step for us is to identify the right farms and source correctly. For this, we follow the Guidelines set by the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) and the Certifying Body.

Farmers are responsible for cultivating crops according to organic procedures certified by the appropriate authority. Farmer organizations facilitate groups of farmers to jointly produce the required volume of organic products to be supplied to buyers. We work on the ground to identify such Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) to be our supplier or producer partner. To be approved as a Wellbe supplier:

-         The FPO/Individual Farmer must be certified by the Organic certifying authority as following all the Organic Farming Standards and have implementation of internal control systems (ICS) to ensure quality management

-         Farm land should have its own manure production process in place depending on the Organic area they are cultivating

-         It should be a bio-diverse farm with different farm animals and practice multiple crop methods

-          Such groups are identified and onboarded as our partners

Supply Chain

Transportation and logistics of the harvested product and maintenance of the organic quality are important components in the supply chain. Handling, transportation, storage and packing of organic products must be carried out separately from non-organic products and under certified conditions. A detailed step-by-step process is implemented right from identifying the vehicle in which the produce is transported to the Wellbe production facility to how the produce is received, cleaned, stored and packaged. We promise transparency/traceability/quality in every product that we sell.

Better Choice, Better Life with Wellbe Foods.

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